Yesterday, 24th June 2022, Kanchibiya held a successful District Agriculture Show at Mikuba Day Secondary School in Mumbubu Ward.
The theme for this year’s District Agricultural, Tourism, Commercial and Industrial Show was: “Innovation through Technology: Technology Transforms Business.”
This theme fits exactly to what Kanchibiya Constituency needs today. Kanchibiya urgently needs reliable access to:
- Communication
- Road Network
- Electricity , and
- Education
If Kanchibiya is to transform business in the constituency through technology, each of the above technological components plays a salient role in transforming the ways our people do business.
The theme for this year’s agriculture show focused on technological change, once actualized, shall benefit Kanchibiya by unlocking new business opportunities and diversifying revenue sources among our people.
New technologies can radically modify how people live and work for the better especially in rural areas. The opportunity to reduce the cost of transport and in turn the relevance of location for workers and businesses shall propel the economy of Kanchibiya to compete effectively on national and international markets.
The technology can also improve quality and access to services. Forward-looking rural policies also need to meet main global agendas and SDGs, including climate change, poverty reduction and gender equality. This includes leveraging on innovation and closely working with local communities to support rural districts like ours in their transition economy through technology.
I would like to re-emphasize my commitment toward technological advancement in Kanchibiya by working towards increasing access to communication, transport, rural electrification, and education. These technologies will contribute greatly to businesses and the economy in Kanchibiya.
Lastly we look forward to supporting the creation of industries around the different crops and products. It is also in our plan to construct an aggregation Centre in each of the four (4) Chiefdoms in Kanchibiya.
Hon Sunday Chanda
Member of Parliament
Kanchibiya Constituency