Party for National Unity and Progress Leader Highvie Hamududu says without addressing issues surrounding Konkola Copper Mines-KCM-, it will be difficult for Zambia to attain the projected 1.3 million metric tonnes of copper before the end of 2022.
Government is eyeing a positive copper production of up to 1.3 million metric tonnes for the 2022 fiscal year as the country begins taking steps towards achieving its target of 3 million metric tons of copper annually within the next 10 years.
Mr Hamududu says although he is aware that legal matters take time to be disposed of, there is need for government and all involved stakeholders to amicably settle the KCM matter once and for all, whether it means settling it out of court.
He tells phoenix news that amidst the rising copper prices on the international market; government must do everything possible to ensure stability in the mining sector to benefit from copper export earnings.