Following the applications from the Russian graduates on the above mentioned training in Moscow. The selection process was concluded by the committee of Moscow State University of Food And Technology in Russia.
The following candidates were successful and more Information on the way forward will be communicated as soon as possible.
- Соко Криспин Ньяда (Soko Chrispin Nyanda)
- Манго Джестон (Mhango Jestone)
- Мвиндула Дэвис Конелиус Мвелва (Mwindula Davies Conelius Mwelwa)
- Сакала Танди (Sakala Thandie)
- Пири Эдвин (Phiri Edwin)
- Мвангала Асимбуйу (Mwangala Asimbuyu)
- Дака Зите (Daka Zite)
- Муленга Джозеф (Mulenga Joseph)
- Мванса Луминья Лунда (Mwansa Luminya Lunda)
- Чисанга Сидней (Chisanga Sydney)
Jestone Mhango
Academic Affairs Secretary ZAMRUS
+260973830272 (SMS/WHATSAPP ONLY)